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Learn to eat healthy-Decoding foods and drinks like coffee linked to cancer


Feb 12, 2021
Learn to eat healthy


One might have come across several guides concerning ‘cancer-fighting foods’ and ‘foods causing cancer’ on one’s mission to healthier health. Sadly, these are quite often unconfirmed or poorly investigated, so there’s a lot of misleading info online. Then, how can one find reliable info on cancer-related nourishment?

This guide is committed to offering you all a reliable, substantiated fact so you may make the required changes to the routine, from keeping a healthy and regular diet to kicking off the unhealthy habits. This guide offers info on some of the cancer-causing foods that are purely backed up via research from an authoritative source — with the likes of WHO and Cancer Research United Kingdom — so that one can eat healthily, understand the carcinogenic properties of several foods.

Consuming the right sort of food and filling the body with nutrients and the minerals it requires to thrive isn’t only propitious for your gut and dental health. However, it may also assist in reducing your odds of developing particular kinds of cancer.

Some of the Cancer-causing foods

1. Processed meat 

According to WHO, there’s “convincing evidence” showcasing that processed meat does cause cancer. Labeled as Group 1 carcinogen, it’s connected clearly to stomach & colorectal cancer.

Frankfurter hotdogs, sausages, ham, beef jerky, corned beef, and lunch meat or canned are some examples of processed meats having carcinogenic properties.

Alternatives: White meat, for instance, turkey or chicken, whitefish, or meat-substitutes like Quorn, Seitan, & Tofu.

2. Red meat

Just marginally better than processed meat for us, red meat carcinogens are listed as Group 2A, “perchance carcinogenic to all humans.” The most obvious link between cancer and consuming red meat is colorectal cancer, but there’s also proof of connections to prostate & pancreatic cancer.

Alternatives: Replace red meat with beans, pulses, fish, or white meat.

3. Alcohol

The majority of us go on to enjoy the exclusive drink, a few of us more than many others. However, as per the medical advice, one needs to reduce alcohol intake to as limited as possible. It’s listed as the Group 1 carcinogen, meaning there’s adequate proof of carcinogenicity in people.

The kinds of cancer usually linked to alcohol consumption are the cancer of the throat, mouth, esophagus, liver, stomach, breast, and bowel.

4. Chinese-style salted fish

Salting is one of the traditional methods of processing and keeping food — particularly fish — quite often used in China and Southern-East Asia. Sadly, this technique of preserving occurs in the creation of the carcinogenic by-product, meaning this can go on to cause cancer in the human body. Chinese-kind salted fish is listed as a Group 1 carcinogen, such as processed meat.

Alternatives: Seafood like prawns, squid, and mussels or fresh fish.

5. Non-diet soda or a sugary drink

Obesity is one of the major risk factors for numerous cancers; moreover, it’s essential to manage a healthy weight. It can be accomplished through a balanced diet that includes all food combinations. If consumed constantly, a sugary drink might lead to gain a pound or so, and in extreme amounts, the obesity will get hold of you.

6. Processed foods or a fast food

A greater amount of fat in one’s body is a matter of several cancers. Several Cancer Research Institutions recommend restricting ‘fast foods’ and several other processed food items high in starches, fat, or sugars. It helps control the calorie intake, maintaining a healthy weight.

Alternatives: You can have homemade sandwiches on bread, salads, or sushi.

7. Coffee

It appears that coffee is quite often in recent news almost everywhere weekly. A study says it is good for the body, while another study says there might be risks.

The head of the FDA, i.e., Food and Drug Administration Trusted Source, said, citing several years of data steering to coffee security.

But one may still find themselves asking: “Can a mug of coffee cause anything as huge as cancer?” The manageable answer is that the current research does not support the coffee linked to cancer. So what is the research all about? What precisely is this ‘acrylamide,’ and whether coffee is safe to consume?

What is this acrylamide, should you be concerned?

Acrylamide is simply a chemical used to create components included in the creation of products like plastics, adhesives, and paper.

It can even be found in several foods heated to a high temperature by techniques like baking or frying. Some other examples could be french fries, crackers, and potato chips in extension to roasted coffee.

So, should one be bothered about the content of acrylamide in coffee? Well, the roasted coffee beans generally contain smaller quantities of acrylamide. Research says that consuming coffee in balance is safe and can even have a huge range of health advantages.

By admin

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